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Regular Scheduled Meeting of the Council - September 11, 2018

The City of Zavalla Council met for a regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Zavalla City Hall. 

Mayor Carlos Guzman called the meeting to order, establish a quorum and welcome the guest. 

Council present were Mayor Carlos Guzman, Brenda Cox, Pam Hooks, Stacey Marshall and Randall Dykes. Kelly Dickinson was absent. Employees present were Chief Chris Wade, Jess Williams, Daryl Cheney and Waunesa Herrington. Guest present were Carolyn Guzman, Loyce Lawrence, Steve Smith, Lou Ann Williams and Robert Denby. 

Robert Denby gave the invocation. 

No one spoke under open forum. 

Chris Wade gave the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report. The Fire Department had a fish fry, it went well. They are getting ready for the Haunted House in October 2018. 

Next order of business: Presentation from Auditor of the draft audit of 2015. Kim Johnson introduced herself to the Council. Kim intends on having the 2015 audit on the agenda by next month to be approved. She said she would like to have 2016 and 2017 ready by October's 2018 meeting if not then by November's 2018 meeting. Kim said she wanted to hit on a couple of items. Kim asked the Council to read the opinion letter on page 3, 4 &5. Kim explained the draft budget, she wanted the Council to look at page 30, then on page 39 where it talked about adjustments. On page 42-43 talked about required reporting. That anytime the City bought a new type of purchase, you need to amend your budget and make sure it balances and you have the money to purchase it. The City needs to do a physical check of its inventory and assets. The City needs to put a policy in place on how to keep up with its inventory and assets. They need a policy in what to do with equipment when its broken. Kim stated that someone besides the person who writes the checks and balances the bank statement. Someone on the Council needs to look at the bank statement on a monthly basics. It needs to be an agenda item. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly give Auditor permission to move forward with the audit of 2016 and 2017. Randall made the motion for Todd, Hamaker & Johnson to do move forward with 2016 and 2017 audits. Brenda second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Resolution 2018-4 to approve 2019 Budget. Brenda stated that in the General Budget that there was not an item for Audits. She asked who had to pay for the Audits. Waunesa stated that Water, Sewer, Police and General is supposed to pay it. Waunesa said you could adjust what the Police Department was paying for Tahoe and New Unit down to $4800.00 each. That would make a difference of $2400 and you could put that into the General Budget for Audits. If you did this the General Budget and the Police Budget would still balance and there would be money in the General Budget to help pay for the audit. Brenda made the motion to approve the 2019 Budget and Randall second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Resolution 2018-5 to approve the 2018-2019 tax rate. Pam made the motion to approve Resolution 2018-5, Randall second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Special Called Meeting July 5, 2018 minutes. Pam made the motion to approve Special called Meeting July 5, 2018 minutes, Brenda second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Special Called Meeting July 17, 2018 minutes. Stacey made the motion to approve Special Called Meeting July 17, 2018 minutes, Randall second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Budget Workshop Meeting August 27, 2018. Brenda made the motion to approve Budget Workshop Meeting August 27, 2018 minutes, Stacey second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Budge Workshop Meeting September 6, 2018 minutes. Stacy made the motion to approve Budget Workshop Meeting September 6, 2018, Brenda second, motion carried. 


Chief Chris Wade gave his report of 127 Citations was issued, 30 Warnings issued, 197 Contacts were made. Calls for service 48 and 8 arrest made. Chief Wade stated that the vest and belts are order, will take about six weeks for them to come in. 

Jess said Daryl and Joy were going to school on Thursday and Friday. Having issues at the lift station. Problems are with the Electrical Panel. Jess said he was going to get Aimee and Waunesa to see if they had any community workers that might could help he with some things. Water and Sewer is doing fine. He said they had look over the job application, might do job interviews within the next week. Jess stated he forgot to mention comp time in his budget, he didn't know if the Council wanted to do comp time different this year. Loyce Lawrence asked for the Water Department to keep an eye on the water tank by her house. Waunesa read Aimee's Court report. She stated she had been busy with the Audits and the 2019 Budget. She has not been able to start on the Generator Grant, she wants to make sure it is done correctly, so there will not be any issues later. 


Randall wanted to know when the City was moving to the bank. 


Pam asked who of the City Employees was moving to the bank. 

Brenda asked about the soft opening the Clinic had and asked when the Clinic was going to be open for business. Mayor Guzman told the Clinic will be open the first Saturday in October 2018. 


Mayor Guzman stated that the people that was looking to put a truck stop in, might changed their mind. Because the number were not high enough. The restaurant across from Elementary was going to open soon. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve September 2018 bills, Randall made the motion to pay the bills, Brenda second, motion carried. 

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve August 14, 2018 minutes. Pam made the motion to approve the minutes, Randall second, motion carried. 

Meeting Adjourn

Carlos Guzman


Waunesa Herrington

City Secretary



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