The Zavalla City Council met in regular meeting on June 12, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Zavalla City Hall located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 85980.
Mayor Guzman called the meeting to order, established a quorum and welcome the guest.
Council present were Mayor Guzman, Pam Hooks, Brenda Cox, Denita Ross and Randall Dykes. Employees were Waunesa Herrington, Aimee Cloutier, and Jess Williams. Guest present were J. P. Hopkins, Loyce Lawrence, Carolyn Guzman, Tom Ross, Lloyd Cox, Jamie Hopkins, Barbie Davis, and Robert Denby.
J.P. Hopkins gave the invocation.
Open Forum
Aimee Cloutier spoke under open forum. She handed all the Council a copy of the form that Chief Wade asked to be put in her personnel file. Aimee stated that nowhere on that form does it give Chief Wade the permission to run a background check on her. Aimee asked if she could get paid for working from home. She understood that Chief Wade did. Aimee stated she did not get paid when she was called several times about work when she was off on Maturity Leave. Aimee stated she thought that Chief Wade was her friend, but she found out different and that she wanted her to get the Chief of Police position even if that is not what is being said.
Waunesa read the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department report.
First order of business: Consider and possibly approve March 13, 2017 minutes. Brenda made the motion to approve and Randall second. Pam said that was fine but on item 9 that it Pam and Barbara's name need to be swapped. After the change, the motion carried.
Next order of business: Consider and possibly approve March 21, 2017 minutes. Randall made the motion to approve, Brenda second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Consider and possibly approve documentation state there was not a regular Council Meeting in April 2017. Randall made the motion, Brenda second, motion second.
Next order of business: Consider and possibly approve documentation statin there was not a regular Council Meeting in May 2017. Randall made the motion, Pam second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Consider and possibly approve the minutes from the Canvass meeting on May 9, 2017. Brenda made the motion to approve, Randall second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Consider and possible approve the documentation stating there was not a Special Called Meeting on May 17, 2017. Randall made the motion to approve, Brenda second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Consider and possible approve the May 22, 2017 Special Call Meeting Minutes. Brenda made the motion to approve, Randall second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve the HACH Contract pertaining to calibration on the turbidity meters. Or go out for bids. Randall made the motion to stay with HACH, Denita second, motion passed.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly take action on giving the Mayor permission to transfer money to cover payroll. Randall made the motion to give the Mayor permission to transfer money to cover payroll, Brenda second. Pam abstained. Motion passed.
Next order of business: Accept Delton Billeaudeau resignation. Randall made the motion, Denita second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly appoint someone for the vacant position. Pam made the motion to appoint Kelly Dickinson, Brenda second, motion passed.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve send out a letter pertaining to 911 address to be on Resident's Houses and requiring a shut off valve on Customer's side of the meter. Randall made the motion, Denita second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Easement from Oncor. Pam made the motion, Randall second, motion carried.(See Attached Easement)
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Log or Time Sheets/card for all employees. Pam made the motion for all employees to punch a time clock, Denita second, motion carried. Mayor Guzman asked that the Police Department keep a log on each officer.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve removing Barbara Bridges, Jack Kendrick and Delton Billeaudeau on all banking accounts. Pam made the motion, Denita second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve adding Brenda Cox, Denita Ross and whoever took Delton Billeaudeau replacement on all banking accounts. Pam made the motion to add Brenda Cox, Denita Ross and Kelly Dickinson, Randall second, motion passed.
Chief Wade was absent.
Waunesa said she had emailed Lori from the Auditor's Office and asked about 2014. She would call them again.
Jess said the GUI Well was using more filters this year than last year. Well #1 was down and having to be redone. But it is online now. Maybe need to talk to the Commissioner about help with the road. One of is his guys is hurt, his next Doctor Visit is July 5, 2017.
Denita asked Jess if he needed a part-time person since one of his guys is off hurt.
Brenda Cox asked who was monitoring the worker on worker's comp. Waunesa told her that a lady from TML, had talking to him and visiting with him. But that she would check on it tomorrow.
Pam asked about the Clinic. Pam asked if the City had got the drug test results back. Waunesa said yes that day.
Mayor Report
Mayor Guzman stated that Tom Selman is working on the new police car. Putting lights on it and making sure it was safe.
Next order of business: Consider and possibly approve April, May and June bills. Randall made the motion to pay the bills, Brenda second, motion passed.
Meeting Adjourn
Carlos Guzman
Waunesa Herrington
City Secretary
See official record.