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Regular Scheduled Meeting - July 10, 2017

The Zavalla City Council will conduct its regular meeting on Monday, July 10, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Zavalla City Hall located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980. 


1. Call Meeting to order 2. Establish a quorum 3. Welcome guest 4. Invocation 5. Open Forum 6. Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report 7. Eric Carver with Axley & Rode, LLP to discuss the City's Audits 8. Molina Courtney with the Huntington State Bank. Sign papers for bank accounts (to make sure we do it right the first time) 9. Set a date for a Budget Workshop 10. Discuss and elect someone to be on the Angelina County Health Board. 11. Discuss and possibly take action on changing the Regular City Council Meeting night to the second Tuesday of every month and start at 6:00 p.m.

12. Discuss and possibly take action on getting a contract with the County tCD patch City Roads.


13. Adjourn into executive session to discuss and possibly hire a new Chief I f Police. 14. Possibly take action on a hiring a new Chief of Police. 15. Consider and possibly approve June 12, 2017 minutes 16. Consider and possibly approve June 16, 2017 minutes 17. Consider and possibly approve June 19, 2017 minutes 18. Staff Reports 19. Council Reports

Denita Ross 1. Let the water department have extra inventory on hand? 2. Were there any City Council Members sitting in on the interviews for the Chief of Police. 3. Fill the position for the full-time water clerk, it has been tabled since March 13, 2107. 4. Discuss possibility of all City Council Members meeting at City Hall an, watching the video of Open Meetings Handbook. 5. Discuss possibility of a Park Committee of 4-5 people. 6. Discuss possibility of a Scholarship Committee of 4-5 people.

19. Mayor Report 20. Consider and possibly approve July bills. 21. Adjourn


The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the meeting to discuss any of the matters listed below under the authorized article of the meeting act. Texas Government Code 551.01 

a. 551.71 Private consultation with the City's Attorney b. 551.075 Deliberation about real property c. 551.074 Deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee.

d. 551.082 Economic Development

I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board on the 7th day of July, 2017.

Carlos Guzman




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