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City of Zavalla Special Called Meeting Minutes: January 7, 2020

The Zavalla City Council met in special session on January 7, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Zavalla City Hall/Police Station located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.

Mayor Guzman called the meeting to order, established a quorum, welcome the guest.

Council present was Mayor Guzman, Tom Ross, Denita Ross, Pam Hooks, Stacey Marshall and Randall Dykes. Employees present was Daryl Cheney, Chris Wade and Waunesa Herrington. Guest present was Amy Landon.

Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag.

Tom Ross gave the invocation.

Amy asked if she could use the projector for the Community Center she was organizing. Because it was not on the agenda the Council could not make a decision, but it would be on the next Regular Called Meeting.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve hiring an Engineer for the violation at the Sewer Plant. Daryl explained how TCEQ had a 75%/90 rule. If the Sewer Plant hits over the 75% rule. You have to get an Engineer Study. TCEQ claims it was consistent. The problem was all the rain that Zavalla received last year, all at one time. Mr. Earl recommend Perkins Engineering Firm; City of Lufkin and the City of Jasper uses them. They have worked with TCEQ before dealing with this type of violation. Pam made the motion to hire the Engineering Firm, Tom second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly amend sections of the Employee Policy Handbook.

Denita handed out a document of things she wanted to acknowledge that was not being followed and what she would like to change. Denita stated that this was her opinion and that each City Council Members should have an opinion of their own. The Council discuss and the document that Denita handed out. The changes they wanted to make are:

Pg 8 4.2 Compensatory Time-change to- At no time will an individual carry over 40 hours. Anything over 40 hours will be lost. MUST BE TAKEN ASAP (as soon as convenient after being earned).

P8 4.4 Needs to be amended to word as in the Regulary Meeing on 1-12-

2015(pg2) Water Department gets a 2-hour minimum call out time. If the call takes longer than 2 hours, they will earn time and half for time spent over 2 hours.

Pg8 4.5 A- yes B- yes D -yes

C- No, any unused vacation will be lost.

Pg9 4.5 E - {au the beneficiary any unpaid pay, BUT NO unused vacation time. Pg9 4.6.2-2nd paragraph- No they can use Vacation or Comp time if they need it. Pg10 5.1 General Pay Program- sick time, comp time or vacation time will not be included in overtime pay.

Pg11 -5.7-Group Health and Life Insurance needs to be changed as voted on in the Regular Scheduled Meeting July 9, 2019, City pays the same amount at this time, employees pay the additional charges, motion made by Stacy, Randall 2nd. Amount the City pays needs for insurance needs to be put in the Policy Handbook. Pg12 - 6.2- Length of probation- if extend City Council will also be notified.

Pg12-6.3 Benefits During Probation -change to- Vacation cannot be taken till after 12- month period (anniversary date).

No Holiday Pay during probation period. (for any employee- full or part time) Pg26-8.4 Vacation - Full time regular employees

1. 1-5 years of service - earns forty (40) hours of vacation (1 week)

2. 6-9 years of service -earns eighty (80) hours of vacation (2 weeks)

3. 10 plus years- earns one hundred sixty (160) hours of vacation (4 weeks)

All employees that are currently hire will be grandfathered in. All new employees will start with the new policy handbook.

Pg. 26-8.4- Vacation 2nd paragraph

2. Employee are not eligible to use any vacation time until their 1-year Anniversary Date (12 Months)

3. Vacation must be used during the year it is earned. Any unused vacation time left on the books WILL NOT be paid upon separation, retirement or death of employee. In other words USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Pg 26 8.8 Sick Time

2. Employee are not eligible to use any vacation time until their 1-year Anniversary Date (12 Months)

3. Vacation must be used during the year it is earned. Any unused vacation time left on the books WILL NOT be paid upon separation, retirement or death of employee. In other words USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Pg 26 8.8 Sick Time

Number 5 needs to be taken out completely.

Randall made the motion to accept the changes, Tom second, motion passed.

Meeting Adjourn



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