The Zavalla City Council met in regular session on September 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at New City Hall, located at 242 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.
Mayor Carlos Guzman called the meeting to order, established a quorum, and welcome the guest.
Council present were Mayor Carlos Guzman, Pam Hooks, Randall Dykes, Stacey Marshall, Tom Ross and Denita Ross. Employees present was Daryl Cheney, Chief Chris Wade, James Denby, and Waunesa Herrington. Guest present was Carolyn Guzman, Lynnzee Lyons, Debbie Denby, Keith Cole, Jana Cole and Robert Denby.
James Denby gave the invocation
No one spoke under open forum.
Chris Wade gave the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report. Chris said everything is going good with the Fire Department. They made about $1,300 on their Garage Sale and Fish Fry on Labor Day Weekend.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve on transferring money to pay for fixing the Sewer at 147 and 2109. Randall made the motion to pay for fixing the Sewer at 147 and 2109, Pam second, motion passed.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly decide what to do with Easy Street that is owned by the City of Zavalla and located in the middle of Jana Cole's property. Randall made the motion to wait until the City hears from the City Attorney on selling City Property, Denita second, motion passed.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve RV Ordinance. Denita made the motion to table, Randall second, motion passed. Randall and Pam want a RV Ordinance with permits included. Denita said under section 3 paragraph J was incorrect.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly take action on discontinuing COVID-19 hazard pay. It was discussed how some people were no longer getting hazard pay. Tom made the motion to end paying the hazard pay at the end of September, Denita second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve August 4, 2020, August 11, 2020 and August 25, 2020 minutes. Tom made a motion to approve minutes with the changes to August 4, 2020, Randall second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve September 2020 bills. Denita made the motion to pay the bills, Tom second, motion carried.
Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve 2021 Budget. Tom made the motion to approve the budget, Randall second, motion passed. Stacey opposed.
Next order of business; Discuss and possibly approve 2020 tax rate. Waunesa explained how what used to be called the effective tax rate is now called No New Revenue Tax Rate. The City of Zavalla's No New Revenue Tax Rate is 0.45373 and the break down would be M & 0 at 0.85373 and the I & S would be 0.32000. Tom made the motion to approve, Randall second, motion passed.
Waunesa Herrington/Nothing
Daryl said his guys were off for a week, one is getting married and the other one has a new baby. Daryl said he had a full week that week of taking care of things.
Chief Chris Wade gave his monthly report. National Night Out was still a go, they would be doing Nachos this year. Truck is in the shop. The night of the hurricane everything went well. Everything is going well. He introduced Lynnzee Lyons as a new officer and that Jacob was going to be a new reserve.
At 7:00 p.m. Mayor Carlos Guzman stated the Council was going to executive session under 551.074, the Council reconvene at 7:05p.m. No action was taken.
Meeting Adjourn
Carlos Guzman
Waunesa Herrington
City Secretary