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City of Zavalla Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes: March 10, 2020

The Zavalla City Council met in regular session on March 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Zavalla City Hall/Police Station located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.

Mayor Guzman called the meeting to order, established a quorum, and welcome the guest.

Council present was Mayor Guzman, Pam Hooks, Tom Ross, Stacey Marshall and Randall Dykes. Denita Ross was absent. Employees present was Waunesa Herrington, Chief Chris Wade, Aimee Coutier and Christie Dilday. Guest present were Loyce Lawrence, Joy Yarbrough, F-'. 􀀚iopkins, Doyle Bryan and Eunice Ditterline.

Tom Ross gave the invocation.

No one spoke under Open Forum

Chris Wade gave the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report. Chris said evP.rything is going. They are going to have a Crawfish Boil the first Saturday in April, (April 4, 2020). They "!ad a pasture fire; it is too dry to burn. They were walking in mud fighting a fire.

Next order of business: Discuss RV Ordinance. Tom made the motion to table, Randall second, motion carried.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve election contract between City of Zavalla and Zavalla ISD. Randall made the motion, Tom second, motion carried.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve going out for bids to mow City ditches. Tom said we need to make the decision to bid everything out. Tom made the motion not to go out for bids, Randall second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possible approve buying equipment to mow and clean City ditches. Carlos said they were talking about buying a bush hog. Tom said we already have a bat wing mower. Don't have the equipment to clean ditches yet. Tom said the City needs to buy a tail gate for the dump trailer. Tom made the motion to only buy a tail gate for the dump trailer, Randall second, Stacy, Tom and Randall voted for, Pam abstained.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve February 11, 2020 minutes. Pam made the motion to accept, Randall second, motion carried.


Went into executive session at 6:06p.m. and reconvene at 6:12 p.m.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve R & M Settlement. Tom made the motion to accept the settlement, Randall second, motion carried.

Next order of business; Discuss and possibly approve clean 63 and First Street. Mr. Bryan that lives on Second Street says he is concerned with water standing on First Street. There is TV'S in the drainage ditches. Mr. Bryan said the workers are jut throwing asphalt in the hole and not making it level. He would like something done. Tom said we don't have the equipment or manpower. Mr. Bryan said there is a water leak in front in front of the Winkle's house and it has been there for 3 months. Mayor Guzman said he would get Daryl to look into it. Pam said the problem is that people don't want to do anything, but they need to be made to do it.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve March 2020 bills. Tom made the motion to pay the bills, Randall second, motion passed.


Chief Chris Wade read his report and said everything was going smooth. Officer Dunkin started last week and Officer Holle was starting Friday. He has not hired the third Part Time Officer yet. The Police Department is going to have to update their radios soon. The quote for the upgrade is around $31,000. Aimee stated the Court did warrant round up last Thursday and collected around $1300.00


Waunesa said she had submitted the NIBRIS Grant and the Juvenile Case Manager Grant for next year. She stated that Sales Tax is up.


Randall said watch out for the COVID 19

Stacy wanted to know when the Water Department was going to run the water and sewer pipe to Joe Hudson. Tom said next Friday and that he was going to help.

Tom stated is going to give the guy some training on the equipment.

Pam asked the Council why they wanted to be on the Council. She stated she questioned about the Red Light on Marshall for 6 months and she never got an answer. So, she called TCEQ. Everyone thinks she is mad. But after 6 months she just wanted an answer. There is nothing wrong in wanting to know.


Mayor Guzman had nothing to report, everything is going well.




We invite you to visit us in Zavalla. The temperature here during the summer months range in the 90’s during the day and 70’s at night. Spring and Fall are lovely with warm days and cool nights and Winter is usually mild.


242 E. Main St.
Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 897–3311

F: (936) 897–8032


242 E. Main St.
Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 897–3311

F: (936) 897–8032


838 E. Main St.

Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 634-3331


253 N. 2nd St.

Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 897-3211


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