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City of Zavalla Regular Scheduled Meeting: July 14, 2020

The Zavalla City Council will conduct its regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at.the New Zavalla City Hall located at 242 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.

Everyone must wear a mask and will have their temperature took before entering the meeting.



1. Call meeting to order

2. Establish a quorum

3. Welcome Guest

4. Invocation

5. Open Forum

6. Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report

7. Discuss and possibly approve extending the electricity contract with Tim Allen

8. Discuss and possibly approve issuing check 9740 to Brianna Puntch to replace check 8694.

9. Discuss and possibly approve RV Ordinance

10. Discuss and possibly approve a day for a Budget Workshop

11. Discuss and possibly approve taking bids on Green John Deere Tractor & bush hog

12. Discuss and possibly approve taking bids on small bush hog

13. Discuss and possibly approve Resolution to cancel General May Election.

14. Discuss and possibly approve Resolution to appoint Billie Page to calculate the City of Zavalla's tax rate for 2020 Tax Rate for the Budge Year 2021.

15. Discuss and possibly approve purchasing an ACH module for RVS in the Water Department.

16. Discuss and possibly approve purchasing a Workorder module for RVS in the Water Department.

17. Discuss and possibly approve to repair the force main line coming out of the sewer lift station on FM 2109.

18. Discuss and possibly approve to authorize solicitation of proposals for grant administration and application services related to the 2020 TxCDBG-FAST ·,

grant program.

19. Discuss and possibly approve June 2020 minutes.

20. Discuss and possibly approve July2020 bills.

21. Employee evaluation and any applicable disciplinary action will be taken.






The City Council reserves the right to adjourn to into executive session at anytime

during the meeting to discuss any of the matters listed below under the

authorized article of the meeting act Texas Government Code 551.01

Executive Session under authorized article 551.074

a. 551.71

b. Private consultation with the City's Attorney

c. 551.75 Deliberate about.Real Property

d. 551.074 Deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, disciple or dismissal of a public officer or employee

e. Economic Development

I certify that the above notice was posted· on the bulletin board on the 10th day of July 2020 at 12:30 p.m.

Carlos Guzman




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