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City of Zavalla Regular Called Meeting of the Council Minutes: January 14, 2020

The Zavalla City Council met in regular session on January 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Zavalla City Hall/Police Station located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.

Mayor Pro-Tern Denita Ross called the meeting to order, established a quorum, welcome the guest.

Council present was Mayor Pro-Tern Denita Ross, Pam Hooks, Stacey Marshall and Randall Dykes. Mayor Carlos Guzman and Tom Ross was absent. Employees present was Chief Chris Wade, Jamie Denby and Waunesa Herrington. Guest present was J. P. Hopkins, Amy Landon and Eunice Ditterline.

J. P. Hopkins gave the invocation

Pledge allegiance to the American Flag and Texas Flag

No One Spoke under Open Forum

Went into executive session at 6:05 p.m. and reconvene at 6:10 p.m.

Chris Wade gave the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report. The Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department is having a Public Speaking on January 25, 2020 at the Zavalla Elementary Cafeteria. Anyone that wants to can bake some for the Public Speaking.

Next order of Business: Open Bids on Blue Tractor. Bids were Bid #1 $352.92 and Bid# 107.77. Stacey made the motion to accept bid#l for $352.92. Randall second, motion carried.

Next order of Business: Discuss progress on RV Ordinance. Tabled

Next order of Business: Order May 2020 Election. Randall made the motion to order the General May Election to be held on May 2, 2020, Denita second, motion passed.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve the 2019 Amended Budget. Randall made the motion to table, Stacey second, motion carried.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve doing a call-out for the monthly disconnect list. Stacy made the motion to do a Call Out at noon on the 20th of each month for anyone who is on the disconnect list. Denita second, motion passed.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve letting Water Customers have more than 2 extensions a year. Randall made the motion to let Water Customers have 12 extension a year if they need them, Stacy second, motion carried.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve for Amy Landon to use the City's projector for the Community Center. Pam made the motion not to let Amy us the City's projector, Denita second, motion carried.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve possible changes that need to made to the Employee Policy Handbook. Denita made a motion to table, Randall second, motion passed. The Council decided to have a Special Called Meeting regarding the Policy Handbook on January 21, 2020.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve January 2020 bills. Randall made the motion to pay the bills, Denita second, motion carried.

Next order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve December 2019 minutes. Denita made the motion to approve, need to change Carlos Guzman to Denita Ross, Randall second, motion carried.


Chief Chris Wade gave his report and said everything is going well. Said he would be going to Chief School at the end of the month .. Asked the Council if they had any questions.

Waunesa stated she would be going to the Election Law Seminar at the end of the month. Sign­up for Council and Mayor starts tomorrow. The City hired Christy Dilday and Justus Marshall and they will be at the next City Council so the Council can meet them.


Randall stated that him and Pam have been on the Council for a long time. He thinks the City has the best Police Department the City has ever had since Bobby Epperly.

Stacy stated she appreciated all the jobs the employees do. That goes for all departments, she thinks we will get to a happy medium.

Pam said Thank You to the employees.

Denita stated they had the trail of lights. They did it 4 nights and raised $266.00. She thinks everyone is doing a good job.



Meeting Adjourned




We invite you to visit us in Zavalla. The temperature here during the summer months range in the 90’s during the day and 70’s at night. Spring and Fall are lovely with warm days and cool nights and Winter is usually mild.


242 E. Main St.
Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 897–3311

F: (936) 897–8032


242 E. Main St.
Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 897–3311

F: (936) 897–8032


838 E. Main St.

Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 634-3331


253 N. 2nd St.

Zavalla, TX 75980

P: (936) 897-3211


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