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City of Zavalla Regular Called Meeting Minutes: February 11, 2020

The Zavalla City Council met in regular session on February 11, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Zavalla City Hall/Police Station located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.

Mayor Carlos Guzman called the meeting to order, established a quorum, welcome the guest.

Council present was Mayor Guzman, Pam Hooks, Denita Ross and Stacey Marshall. Tom Ross and Randall Dykes were absent. Employees present was Waunesa Herrington, Chief Chris Wade, Daryl Cheney, Christy Dilday, Justus Marshall and Evan Wayman.

J. P. Hopkins gave the invocation

Everyone pledges allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag


J. P. Hopkins spoke under open forum stating he would like for the roads to be fix. You can't put a patch on a patch. Mr. Hopkins stated you might can get Brookshire Brothers to fix Johnson Street. He said he would talk to Bobby Cheshire if the City wanted him to. He thinks it is time to fix the roads.

Eunice Ditterline spoke under open forum stating she is,opposed to fixing the roads. She thinks you need to fix the ditches first. She stated that Pickard and Campus the base is mush. There are ponds in the ditches along the roads. There are no ditches on Pickard Road. The ditches are not cleaned out and need to be.

Chris Wade gave the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report. Everything is going well. They made some money at the Political Speaking they had.

Next order of business: Open Bids on Merry-Go-Round. ,Bid #1 Daryl Cheney for $100.00 Bid #2 Stacey Marshall for $50.00. Bid#3 Carolyn Guzman for $50.00. Denita made the motion to accept Bid #1, Stacey second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve hiring 2 to 3 part time Police Officers. Mayor Guzman wanted to go into Executive Session under 551l074 Texas Government Code. Went into executive session at 6:10 p.m. and reconvene at 6:25 p.m. Stacey made the motion to hire 2 to 3 Police Officers instead of the one full time officer. Denita second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve 2020 National Night Out. Pam made the motion to do National Night Out on the second Tuesday of October, Denita second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve 2019 Racial Profile. Pam made the motion to accept, Stacey second, motion passed.

Nest order of business: Discuss and possible approve going out for bids to install 300 foot of Water and Sewer Lines on Oak Street. Stacey asked why is the City, going out for bids on this. Can't the Water Department do this. Pam sated you have already went out for bids. Pam said so every time we need something dug. Is the City going to have to hire someone to do it? Daryl stated his guys don't haver the experience to lay the pipe. If you don't lay it just right the sewer won't move correctly. Denita told Daryl he needed to take to train them to work the equipment. Pam stated the boys are doing a great job. Denita said that is not what she said. Daryl needs to train them. Carlos asked Daryl, wouldn't he have to be the one to the connections up for the water and sewer. Stacey made the motion not to hire someone to lay the water and sewer pipe, Denita second. Pam was against it. Motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve selling safety deposit boxes located in vault. Stacey made the motion for Waunesa to check into what the City of Zavalla could get for the safety deposits boxes, Denita second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Resolution for Juvenile Case Manager Grant, Denita made the motion to approve, Stacey second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve Resolution for NIBRAS Grant. Pam made the motion to approve, Stacey, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve amending 2020 Water Budget. Denita made the motion to take $31,000 out of savings $11,000 to go for Engineer for the Sewer Plant and the $20,000 take care of the insurance claim. When the City receives the money from the insurance claim put that $20,000 back into the Savings Account. Stacey second, Pam was against, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve on paying Wanda Drilling for fixing the Water Well after Water Well got struck by lightning. Denita made the motion to take $31,000 out of savings $11,000 to go for the Engineer for the Sewer Plant and $20,000 to take care of the insurance claim. When the receives the money from the insurance claim put that $20,000 back into Savings. Stacey second, Pam was against.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve changing the Generator Note from just paying the interest to paying a note. Denita made the motion to change the Generator note to making monthly payments on the $14,000 and there will be a balloon note that FEMA will cover. Stacey second, Pam was against, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve putting Gene Mc Donald's old water account on the bad debt list. Denita made the motion to put it on the bad debt list, Stacey second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve going out for bids to contract for the City street ditches to be mowed. Denita made the motion to table, Stacey second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and poss.ibly approve February 2020 bills. Denita made the motion to pay the bills, Pam second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve January 7, 2020 minutes. Stacey made the motion to approve, Denita second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve January 14, 2020 minutes. Denita made the motion to approve, Stacey second, motion passed.

Next order of business: Discuss and possibly approve January 21, 2020 minutes. Denita made the motion to approve, Stacey second, motion passed.


Chief Chris Wade read his report for the month. The Police Department is still shorthanded. We hope we have resolved that issued tonight. Chris asked the Council if they had any questions.

Daryl stated the City had good news the City received their waiver for the Sewer Plant. Good for the permit on the Well for now. Will have to resubmit the permit for the Sewer next year will it is due. Daryl said hopefully he will be able to figures out the problem between the wells.

Waunesa mention the Election coming up. There is a requirement now where whoever is over the Election has to post voters names on the City's Website.


Stacy stated she appreciated everybody. She just likes to discuss things and would like to have everyone's opinion.

Denita she appreciated everyone. She wants Daryl to get those guys trained.

Pam asked why the red light was on located at Marshall Street, what did it mean? Pam wanted to thank the boys for all the hard work they do. Glad to have Christy in the office and she heard good things about her.


Mayor Guzman thank everyone for their hard work.

Meeting Adjourn



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