The City of Zavalla Council met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the old city hall building located at 838 East Main Street, Zavalla, TX 75980.
Mayor Guzman called the meeting to order, established a quorum, and welcomed the guest.
Brother J.P. Hopkins gave the invocation.
Open Forum Courtney Nelson spoke under open forum. She wants to start a tradeshow/craft show here in the city. Possibly do it once a month. She said this would be something for the people in the town to do and possibly bring business to the local businesses. Tom Ross also spoke under open forum. He just got back from Afghanistan and wants to volunteer for the city of Zavalla.
Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department Report: Waunesa read the report given to her from the ZVFD.
First Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve for the community to be able to register vehicles at Zavalla City Hall located at 242 East Main Street, Zavalla, TX: Billy Paige with the Angelina County tax office explained how the registration renewal process would work. She stated the city could add a $1.00 fee and keep that fee. She told the council this would not be a money maker but a service to the community. Ms. Paige said there would be no contract with the city and could be canceled at any time. Councilman Randall Dykes made the motion to approve the registration renewals at city hall, Kelly Dickinson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve a resolution to submit a 2019-2020 Texas Community Development Block Grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture: Mr. Ray Vann with Ray Vann and associates explained what the resolution was about and how the city had to pass this in order to go out for a community block grant. The grant is for $275,000.00 and there is no match requirement. Councilman Randall Dykes made the motion to approve a resolution and submit grant application, Kelly Dickinson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and review ride along policy for the City of Zavalla: Lieutenant Denby with the Zavalla Police Department said Chief Wade got rid of the ride along policy a while back when this issue came up. Chief wants to make a policy and get the council to look at it and possibly approve it.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve the 2019 amended budget: Waunesa Herrington, city secretary explained what needed to be amended. Councilman Randall Dykes made the motion to approve the 2019 amended budget, Brenda Cox seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and look at 2018 Budget Report: Waunesa Herrington, city secretary explained the 2018 budget report. Councilwoman Brenda Cox told the council she was the one that asked for this and the council should look at this report at least every three months.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve National Night Out for the City of Zavalla: Lieutenant Denby with the Zavalla Police Department said Chief Wade wanted to put this item on hold until he got back to work. Councilman Randal Dykes made the motion to table this item of business, Kelly Dickinson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve the 2018 Racial Profile Report: Lieutenant Denby with the Zavalla Police Department explained the report to the council. Councilwoman Pam Hooks made the motion to approve the 2018 racial profile report, Randall Dykes seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve on what the City Council wants to do about water lock that was cut at 580 Barge Road, Zavalla, Tx 75980: Lieutenant Denby with the Zavalla Police Department explained the police department was dispatched to the location on Barge Road and they are doing an investigation. Waunesa explained to the council that once charges were filed, nothing could be done to the water meter until the case was closed since the council decided on this at a previous meeting. Councilwoman Brenda Cox made the motion to file charges, Kelly Dickinson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve where to hold the 2019 General Election for the City of Zavalla: Councilwoman Pam Hooks made the motion to hold the general election at the old city hall building located at 838 East Main street, Stacy Marshall seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve to donate the City of Zavalla patrol car (2010 Crown Vic) to the Zavalla Independent School District: Councilman Kelly Dickinson made the motion to donate the 2010 Crown Vic to ZISD as long as the school district gives the car back in the event they want to get rid of it/sell it, Randal Dykes seconded the motion, Brenda Cox and Stacy Marshall voted against the motion, Pam Hooks abstained from the vote, and Mayor Guzman broke the tie and was for the motion. Motion passed.
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve an agreement with SPI Engineers to go forward with the conversion to chloramines for the TTHMS: Daryl Cheney with the Zavalla Water Department explained there was a new guy that took the water samples yesterday and suggested something other than chloramines. Mr. Cheney suggested the city hold off on the chloramines and suggested fixing the water tanks first. Councilwoman Brenda Cox asked Mr. Cheney if Jess Williams (public works director) gets involved in this process. Daryl told Brenda that Jess gave them the reins. Mrs. Cox asked why they were paying him and why doesn’t he just retire if he can’t show up to the meetings. Councilwoman Pam Hooks said they don’t communicate with Jess. Daryl explained more about the process of the water tanks. Councilwoman Brenda Cox made the motion to table this order of business, Randall Dykes seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Staff Report:
Municipal Court: Aimee explained the monthly court report and explained the Teen Court program was going to competition in April. She told the council the Municipal Court was having an amnesty program from February 15th through March 15th.
Water Department: Nothing
Police Department: Lieutenant Denby read the monthly police activity report.
City Secretary: Waunesa told the council she wants them to realize the big wash out behind the old city hall building was denied by the insurance company. Sign ups for the council deadline is 5p.m. on Friday at the new city hall. She explained there were phone issues at the new city hall building. The 2017 audits will be completed by the end of the month. She told the council there would need to be a special called meeting to approve the auditor’s opinion letter.
Council Report:
Randal Dykes: Mr. Dykes said he was glad we moved into the new building but would like to see flags put up on the flag poles.
Stacy Marshall: Mrs. Marshall said a gentleman came to her and says he wants to open a 24-hour pawn shop and he told her the law says the council has to approve it. She wants spending limits to put on the agenda.
Kelly Dickinson- Nothing
Brenda Cox- Nothing
Pam Hooks: Mrs. Hooks stated that every time something is tabled, she wants it put back on the agenda. She said it is a shame that there are so many dead dogs on the highway and when the weather was better the roads needed to be fixed. Pam asked why the city was hiring people to do work whenever the city already has people working and Mayor Guzman does all kinds of stuff that the council does not know about.
Mayor Report: Mayor Guzman said the new sign is up at city hall and there will be an open house for the new building on 2/28/2019 at 10:00 a.m. He also ordered a special called meeting on 2/26/19 at 6:00 p.m.
Waunesa told the Mayor Jess hasn’t turned in his resignation to her yet but he has filed the retirement papers with TML
Next Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve February 2019 bills: Councilman Randal Dykes made the motion to approve and pay the February 2019 bills, Stacy Marshall seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Final Order of Business: Discuss and possibly approve January 8, 2019 minutes: Councilwoman Brenda Cox made the motion to approve January 8, 2019 minutes, Randal Dykes seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Mayor Guzman adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m.
See the official record.